All surfaces of untreated metal origin, thermosetting resins, Bakelite, glass, lacquered wood etc. can interfere with anchorage of digital inks and also silk-screen printing inks. In case of oxidized metals, the support must first be deoxidized. 400.040 SPRAY PRIMER PER TERMOINDURENTI manages to anchor itself to many thermosetting or similar surfaces, refractory to printing. The product must be sprayed with a veil on the substrate to be printed, in small quantities. Wait until the veil of 400.040 SPRAY PRIMER PER TERMOINDURENTI goes out of powder and immediately overprint it with Epoxeri type 270 screen printing inks, 272 Thermolux, 273 Metalsheet, 225 Omnialux, 262 Nyloflex or other families of inks that need to be tested. Tou can also print with your supplied digital inks both solvent and U.V.

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